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The Story of Little Black Quasha


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This book centers on “a little black girl” named Little Black Quasha who receives a coin after she helps an old woman recover a ball of yarn. The old woman gives Quasha a coin, which the girl uses to buy a funny book at the Bazaar. Little Black Quasha goes to the jungle to read her book out loud to herself, but her voice attracts hungry tigers. A frog helps Quasha escape by tricking all of the tigers into killing themselves in various violent ways. The book concludes with Little Black Quasha rewarding the frog with a saucer of milk.

In  Sambo Sahib, Elizabeth Hay praises this book, writing, “Those with an eye for racial characteristics might be puzzled to see that the barefoot bookseller looks a rather grimy white. Those who see sexism in nearly all early children’s books are also in for a surprise” (91).


Helen Bannerman


Nisbet & Co. Ltd

Publication Date





Posted in Non-Baldwin Editions